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Our Vision

A Food Secure Alberni Valley: When all people, at all times, have access to nutritious, safe, personally acceptable and culturally appropriate foods, produced in ways that are environmentally sound and socially just.

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Dry Creek

Our garden has an assortment of rental spaces and community spaces to support skill sharing, educational opportunities and connection to food. 

The Gleaning Project

Volunteers pickers harvest thousands of pounds of local fruit and redistribute it to participants and local charities in the Alberni Valley.

Grow Local

Collaborative initiatives and events promoting and assisting residents with backyard food production.

Get in touch!


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The AV Food Security Society operates within the ancestral, unceded and traditional territory of the Hupačasath and Tseshaht First Nations. We seek to increase our understanding of indigenous food systems and respectfully acknowledge the keepers of this land. 

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