About Us

We are a food focused action group that strives to strengthen food security and food sovereignty in the Alberni Valley. AVFSS works to create partnerships and foster inter-agency collaboration that support initiatives towards greater access to local food in our community.
Learn more about the work we do by clicking the link below:

Our Story
The first Alberni Valley Food Security Society meeting was held in April 2009, originally as part of Alberni Valley Transition Town. The committee has historically comprised mainly of kitchen table passion and volunteer participation. We are proud to be one of eight Island Health Food Hubs across Vancouver island. Collectively we work together to support healthy and robust food systems.
Our Strategic Goals:
Local Food Production & Recovery: To coordinate, support and provide programs in order to increase local food production and reduce/eliminate food waste in the community.
Community Education: To provide programs, events, and services in order to create community awareness and build knowledge and capacity in the community.
Networking./Relationship Building: To develop relationships and collaborate with individuals and organizations with complementary objectives,
Administration & Governance: To ensure a strong, vibrant organization with the capacity and resources to achieve our vision and mission.
Learn More About
Island Food Hubs
Learn More About
AV Transition Town Society

Edna Cox (1946-2021)
Past Group Leader