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Seed Exchanges

What is a community seed exchange?                                            

The exchange occurs between garden seed savers who share seeds that they grow, harvest and preserve.


Why are local seeds important?

Plants from home grown seeds are better acclimatized to local weather conditions such as heat, drought and cold. Surplus seeds are stored to build a diverse genetic supply of seed within the community. This enhances community food security and resilience.


Are there other benefits?

Seed savers save money and can grow more fresh vegetables year-round with better results. They can save seed to insulate their families from price shocks, market instability and supply chain disruption.


How does the seed exchange work?

You may have saved a small amount of seed that you would like to share.

Package the seed and bring it to the exchange. Be sure to write the type and variety of seed, and the year grown on the package. The more information you have about the seed for the recipient, the better.

More ambitious seed savers may want to collaborate to bring larger quantities of seeds that do particularly well locally to the exchange for sharing.


What is a seed bank?

A diversity of seed types and varieties provides a genetic stockpile and greater capacity to adapt to climate change. Between seed exchange events the seeds are stored in a cool, dark, dry basement. They are organized and their germination rates tested to ensure continued viability. Any surplus seeds from Seedy Saturday will become part of the seed bank, with selective offerings brought out for sharing at future community events.

This information was graciously provided by Theresa Szymanis

We encourage you to participate in a Seed exchange at the upcoming Seedy Saturday on February 10 2024!

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